Sunday, October 9, 2011


first of all.... a very2 tq so much to Madame Celine for a lovely food that her prepared for us last friday !
so delicious and yummy yummy....
a cristang menu sample for us to taste...
love your Bolu Coco.....and your drink...the lemongrass and ginger cocktail !!! so good.
no wonder ur the best speciality chef..and travel around the world to show your cristang menu...

bertemu dengan chef Celine atas tuntutan kerja untuk KLM meal sampling. Pihak KLM royal Duch Airlines mahukan speciallity dishes from the Chef Celine for the next presentation..
so nak dapatkan feel the cristang menu... we all terus jumpa ngan pakar masakan portugis nie...kat rumah beliau di petaling jaya.
so terus invite chef Celine utk buat workshop at our place....

little bit about chef celine

Chef Celine J Marbeck is a true Malaccan, and of Portuguese-Dutch ancestry. Her family can trace its roots for more than four generations. She was born in a medical dispensary in A Formosa, graduated from the University of Leicester, England. She has promoted Cristang cuisine at home and abroad since 1998. Over the past decade, she has successfully presented demonstrations in four countries on three continents, written three books – in English, Malay and Dutch. and presented her cuisine on television. In 2005 she was recognized by Malaysian publishers MPH as one of its 20 Celebrity Authors.

that day antara menu yg disajikan selain daripada Bolu Cocu yang di serve dengan cardamon sauce ade jugak sandwich with dried prawn sambal , baca semur , appetizer with portugis sauce and also portugis pudding..

Chef Celine nie so mesra alam... and happy dengan our visit... tak terasa masa berjalan. yang best every dishes ade cerita yg tersendiri bagaimana terciptanya menu tersebut. orang kata story behine the food.sejarah dulu dulu...
paling sedih crita pasal the fisherman soup ( caldo pescador ) bagaimana seorg wife yg menunggu kepulangan husband nya ditepi pantai.....
for Chef Celine , thanks so much again for the lovely food that u serve and your kind... always remember u..
see u in our workshop !!!


  1. betul tu....
    tapi rahsia dutch meal nie satu jer....
    depa tak makan pedas langsung....
    tekak melayu cam kita nie...
    takde cili takde kick ler.... he3
